You know if you ask for a chai latte in a cafe it's often a nasty powder or syrupy "pretend" chai.
But it doesn't have to be that way.
Latte simply means milky.
Somewhere along the way "chai latte" came to be associated with the fake stuff.
But never fear... if you want to create a frothy cafe style chai at home (minus the rubbish) it's easy...
Plunger Style
So to froth the milk at home (without a coffee machine) you can use a plunger.
Just add the hot milk to the plunger then plunge the lid up and down for about 30-60 seconds.
Magic Wand
You can also buy little milk heating steam Wands or battery frothers.
The frothers just froth. The steam wands will heat and froth.
You can buy them in shops like Harvey Norman or kitchen ware stores like Essential Ingredient.
Heres a helpful article the different processes in detail.
Coffee Machine
If you have a coffee machine already then that's even easier. It already has a will steam wand. Just brew your chai in the 1 cup water (for 2 people) and heat 1 cup of milk in a jug using the wand. Pour the milk into the chai and strain. You can hold back the some of the frothiest milk in the jug with a spoon and add this to the top of the cup when serving.
Viola! Happy Sipping Beautiful People!